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Crystal Clear Pond Tint BLUE & NITE CC064-CC065

Crystal Clear Pond Tint BLUE & NITE CC064-CC065 | Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear Pond Tint BLUE & NITE CC064-CC065

Price: Price Varies

CC064-16, CC065-16

Brand: Crystal Clear

SKU: AIR166-197


CrystalClear® PondTint™ is a non-toxic pond dye designed to help keep water sparkling clean and cool. Provides UV protection while fitting in with your unique landscaping so water naturally stays clearer than full sun pond water. 

Perfect for ponds in the hot summer months. 

1 Ounce Treats up to 1,000 gallons

CrystalClear® Pond Tint™ Blue tints pond a brilliant blue and Pond Tint™ Nite tints pond a deep blue.


Pond Size (Gallons) PondTint
(As Needed)
Up to 1,0001 Ounce
Up to 2,0002 Ounce
Up to 4,0004 Ounce
Up to 8,0008 Ounce

Please note: Above are recommendations. Always read the product label.

Routine Application Rate

Add until desired color is achieved, reapply as needed.

Persistent Problem Application Rate

Do a 20% water change and re-apply. If problems continue, ask a CrystalClear professional about additional treatments.

For Best Results

Apply PondTint to an area of the pond with the most water flow for proper dispersion of the product.

Product Notices

Do not use where chlorine is present.

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